Wednesday, March 11, 2015

daily menus

2 Scrambled eggs, sauted yellow peppers, grape tomotes, feta cheese
2 sausages

zip fizz

side ceaser salad (pretty small)

zip fizz

4 small chocolate squares

1 1/2 pieces tilapia filets
sweet potato fries (15)
brussel sprouts

1/2 banana

Protein Shake
2 scoops Protein powder (body by VI)
1 T cocoa
1 T peanut butter (natural, no sugar)
10 oz Unsweetened almond milk
Ice cubes
Mix in Blendtec Blender or Vita Mix

2 cheese string (string cheese)
1 apple
1 Protein Bar (see recipe)

Taco bowl 
taco meat ground beef
refried beans

4 chocolate sq.

Monday, March 9, 2015

This is what I ate today


I only ate 1 banana. I was in a huge hurry.


Dark Chocolate 72% Cocoa (4 squares)

This is my go to replacement for diet coke. I LOVE IT!!! In a large clear starbucks cup with the green straw!

chicken ravioli from Costco, Rose sauce (no sugar added) Costco,
Turkey sausage Costco 

I know, pasta has flour in it. I don't eat it often but it's not bread and it's not sugar!
It's probably why the weight came off so slow. But I don't feel deprived!!

18 Popcorners has 2 g sugar. (costco)
I'll probably have 1/2 C pistachios before bed. (Costco)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Great recipe

Protein Bars

2 cups almond butter or organic peanut butter.
6 Tbsp honey
1cup protein powder
1 cup pumpkin seeds
1 cup unsweetened coconut
1 1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup hemp hearts
1/2 cup chia seeds
3Tbsp cocoa
1/2 cup water (or till moist)

Press into 9*13 pan. (press down hard)

Spread thin coating of dark chocolate on top (1 C. 

Semisweet Chocolate chips works) 

Cut into 24 pieces. Wrap separately in plastic wrap.

Put in fridge then once hardened put in freezer. They 

will go moldy fast if not kept cold. 188 cal per bar.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Here's how it all started

Two years ago I just felt terrible. I was exhausted and plain just didn't feel well, every day. After realizing that drinking 5 large McDonald's diet cokes might not be the best thing for me, I decided to give up diet coke. I replaced it with Fresca, Diet A&W Root Beer, Perrier and Zip Fizz. I only drink it when I go to the movies. I have to admit, I did not really feel any different going off of it. But I knew it had to be better for my body. Then, I saw a holistic MD that put me on thyroid meds. That helped a lot. I woke up one morning and felt like myself again. I was excited because I thought I would lose weight. When I didn't I went back to the definition of insanity and thought I needed to make a change. At about this time I met a wonderful friend who told me about Belly Fat Cure and about the same time I read Wheat Belly. I figured I might as well live like I have diabetes rather then get it!!

I also gained weight and no matter what I did I couldn't lose it. I ran a half marathon and didn't shed a pound. It's not running 13.1 miles that should have helped me lose weight, it's the weekly training leading up to half marathon. Then I went on 4 hour body which is excellent. I lost 5 lbs the first 2 weeks and gained it back the next two. I was doing it PERFECT! The end result left me very discouraged. One month of total restricted eating to not lose one pound.

My neighbor was driving to work one day and couldn't see anything. He literally went blind. He went to the Dr. right away where they diagnosed him with Diabetes. After going to the nutrition counsellor with his wife, they changed what they were eating. She told me that the first week she didn't see a difference, neither the 3rd or 5th week, But the 6th week, things started to change and she did notice a difference. I knew that whatever I did, I needed to be patient. I decided I wasn't going to weigh myself very often. Like once a month.

On Jan 4, 2014 I decided I was going off Bread and Sugar. Jan 5, I was at a birthday brunch for a friend and two people walked in who looked fabulous. My friend said, "What's your secret?" They said, "DON'T START!"

You never have to stop what you don't start. I did a really good job of no bread, no sugar for about 5 months. I did have exceptions but ONLY occasionally. I've been doing it over a year now and I feel 100% better. It might be a combination of everything I've done but I can never go back because I am so happy with the results. And if I am tempted I just say to myself, "don't start."