Sunday, February 15, 2015


Yes! This was me for as long as I can remember I've had a diet coke in my hand. My favorite was Sonic Route 44 with limes. This was my treat and my constant companion. In Canada it was McDonad's Diet Coke. They filter their water and it's pretty darn good!! Let's just say the drive through staff knew me. In fact, I dedicated a mile of my marathon to them.

I was drinking a lot of diet coke. I mean, A LOT of diet coke. It was when I was up to 4-5 large McDonald's diet cokes a day that I knew I had a problem. I decided to quit cold turkey. I only drink diet coke now at the movies. So I try to go to 2 movies a day!! Just Kidding! It was pretty hard because I had a pretty solid habit. I drank fresca instead and sparkling water. Then I found Zip Fizz. No aspartame, lots of vitamins and a little naturally occuring caffiene. I CAN NOT go back on it. EVER.

I lost my total identity and Coke stock dropped right after I gave it up. It did coincide with Costco going with Pepsi as well but I was drinking A LOT.

I do feel way better but I know it's a combination of a lot of things. I just can't go back to feeling the way I did. So GOOD BYE DIET COKE.

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